WVNA Bylaws

Bylaws of the West Valley Neighborhood Association, Inc. of Boise, Idaho

An Idaho Non-Profit Corporation


The name of this organization shall be:
Also known as WVNA


The objective of this organization shall be:

1. To provide an opportunity for neighborhood citizens to participate in the decision-
making processes of city government in a positive and productive manner

2. To provide a mechanism that facilitates cooperation and communication between local
government and the citizens of West Boise
3. To encourage citizens of West Boise to understand and have a voice in expressing
neighborhood needs
4. To encourage citizens of West Boise to identify neighborhood needs and issues and to
assist in the development and implementation of programs that respond to the needs of
West Boise neighborhoods
5. To encourage West Boise citizens to develop programs that improve the physical, social
and community environment of West Boise neighborhoods
6. To encourage a spirit of cooperation and community investment among the residents of
West Boise
7. To promote the general welfare, safety and sense of community for the citizens in West



Membership in the WVNA is open to residents, property owners, business licensees, and
representative of nonprofit organization located within the WVNA boundaries.

No person or entity will be eligible for more than one membership in the organization. Membership may be
terminated by resignation and shall terminate at once for anyone who ceases to reside, own
property or conduct business within the boundaries of the Association. (See attachment for
West Valley Neighborhood Association boundaries)
Dues are not required for membership or voting in the Association. Voluntary contributions, or
other sources as authorized by the Board of Directors, may be used as an income source for the
Association. Any income realized by the Association will be used to pursue the purposes of the
Association. Board members will not receive an income for their services.

Registered Homeowners Associations. The authorized Homeowners Associations and
subdivisions within the Neighborhood boundaries may register with the WVNA for the purpose
of having a representative attend meetings of the WVNA, obtain information and notices,
supporting the goals and objectives of the Association, promoting membership in the WVNA
and participation in Association activities.
For purposes of voting, providing name and address in the “Official Membership List” shall
evidence membership. Each member is entitled to one vote. There will be no voting by proxy. A
simple majority vote is required to adopt any action.


The Officers of this organization will be President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. The
Board of Directors may elect or appoint additional officers if necessary. These officers will
perform the duties prescribed by the bylaws and by the parliamentary authority adopted by the
organization. Any two offices may be held by the same person with the exceptions of the
offices of President and Secretary.

The Officers shall be elected to serve for one year and their term of office will begin with the
close of the annual meeting at which they are elected.

A vacancy in any office for any reason will be filled by the Board of Directors at its next
scheduled meeting, or a special meeting called for that purpose. Any officer elected by the
Board may be removed by a majority vote of the entire Board when this judgement is in the
best interest of the Association.


The president shall be the principal executive officer of the organization and will in general
supervise and control the day to day affairs of the organization. The President will also preside
over Membership and Board of Director meetings to include, but not be limited to:
1. To open the meeting having ascertained that a quorum is present
2. To be the principal organizational contact for official and media representation
3. To receive and distribute materials related to matters concerning the organization
4. To furnish committees with whatever documents are required to perform their duties
5. To maintain the record book(s) in which the Bylaws, rules of order and minutes of
meetings are entered with any amendments to these documents
6. To prepare an agenda indicating all matters known in advance of a meeting are


In the absence of the President the Vice-President will perform the duties of the President, and
when acting in this capacity will have all the responsibilities of and be subject to all the
restrictions upon the President. The duties of the Vice-President include, but are not limited to:
1. To keep the organization’s official membership roll and to call the roll when it is
2. To conduct the general correspondence of the organization that is not a proper function
of other officers or committees
3. To perform such other duties that may be assigned by the President of the Board of


The Secretary is the recording officer of the organization and the custodian of its records,
except those specifically assigned to others. The duties of the Secretary include, but are not
limited to:
1. To keep a record of all proceedings of the organization, usually called the minutes
2. To accept all committee reports, record the date received, note what actions are to be
taken and to keep reports on file
3. To make the minutes and records available to members upon request at a reasonable
time and place

4. To perform such other duties as may be assigned by the President or the Board of
5. In the absence of the President or Vice-President will call the meeting to order and
preside until the immediate election of a chair pro tern
The Treasurer is responsible to manage the organization’s funds. The duties of the Treasurer
include, but are not limited to:
1. To receive, deposit and record all moneys granted and spent on individual projects that
are undertaken by the organization
2. To make financial reports at the Board of Directors meetings and full financial reports at
the annual membership meeting
3. To perform such other duties as may be assigned by the President or the Board of




Meetings are open to any person living within the Association boundaries. Voting is as provided
in Article Ill, Section 3.2.


REGULAR MEETINGS A minimum of one regular meeting per quarter will be scheduled unless
otherwise ordered by the organization. All Board members will receive 7 day advance notice of
the meeting including an agenda of items to be addressed.


ANNUAL MEETINGS One Annual Meeting per year will be held for the purpose of electing
officers and directors, receiving reports of officers and committees, and for any other business
that needs to be addressed. Notice of this meeting may be by social media, internet service or
the U.S. Postal Service.

SPECIAL MEETINGS Special meetings may be called by the President or by two or more
members of the Board of Directors. The purpose of the meeting will be stated and only those
items stated may be acted upon. Except in cases of emergency, at least 3 days’ notice will be
given by email, phone, U.S. Postal Service or internet.


QUORUM A simple majority of the elected Directors will constitute a quorum of the Board. If a
quorum is not present at any Board meeting during a vote, then the meeting will be adjourned
without a vote or action taken. When the meeting is adjourned actions may not be taken until a
properly called meeting is held with a quorum present to take such action.


MAJORITY RULE – ORDER Except as otherwise provided within these Bylaws, or by law, the
affirmative vote of a simple majority of the Directors present at any properly called meeting
within a quorum shall bind the Board. Robert’s Rules of Order will prevail at all meetings of the
Board .

The Board of Directors



The elected officers will constitute the Board of Directors.
OFFICERS The Officers will be President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. One member
may hold more than one office, except that the offices of President and Secretary may not be
held at the same time by a single member.


ELECTION AND TERM OF OFFICE The Officers will be elected annually by the Board from
within the Directors, at the annual meeting of the Board. Each Officer so elected will hold office
until the next annual meeting of the Board and until such Officer’s successor will have been
duly elected.

The Directors of the Board will number not less than six (6) or more than twenty-four (24) and
be members in good standing as described in Article Ill. If any member of the Board shall miss
three (3) consecutive meetings in any eight (8) month period, without a valid excuse or the
approval of other directors, the seat of said member shall be deemed immediately vacated with
appropriate notice to said Board member.


DUTIES OF OFFICERS Officers of the organization shall perform the duties specifically outlined
in Article IV Section 4.1 through Section 4.7.



Committees may be established by the Board of Directors. Members of a committee shall work
in union to achieve the purposes of the committee and may be comprised of any association
member who desires to serve on said committee. Chairs of all committees will be appointed by
the President. Committee shall advise the Board or make recommendations to the Board.

Each committee may adopt rules of its own government that are consistent with these Bylaws
or with rules adopted by the Board of Directors.


PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of
Order Newly Revised will govern the organization in all cases to which they are applicable and
in which they are consistent with these By Laws or any special rules or order the organization
may adopt.


AMENDMENT OF BYLAWS These Bylaws may be amended at any quarterly regular meeting of
the organization by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those present, provided that the amendment(s)
have been submitted in writing in advance to all members for review and comments.
BOOKS AND RECORDS The Association shall keep correct and complete records of accounts
and shall keep minutes of all proceedings of the Board.


Neighborhood planning will be conducted in the manner described in the official “Boise City
Neighborhood Planning Guide” and the “West Valley Community Center Plan.”
GENERAL GUIDANCE TO DIRECTORS Until rescinded by amendment of these Bylaws, the
Board of Directors when acting on the authority of the Board will have full authority to take the
following actions:

1. Support the Boise City Comprehensive Plan. Appear at hearings, meetings and
gatherings and take actions to support elements of the Boise City Comprehensive plan
designed to protect, enhance and support neighborhoods and to oppose plans which do
not meet criteria.

2. Support Neighborhood Plans. Appear at hearings, other meetings and gatherings and
take actions to support neighborhood plans for areas within the boundaries of the West
Valley Neighborhood Association designed to protect, enhance and support the
Neighborhood and to oppose plans which do not meet criteria.

3. Represent the Association in Development Matters. To attend meetings with local
residents, City Planners and developers in reviewing proposals and applications to the
end that such development within the boundaries of the Association (i) be of scale and
intensity appropriate to the area being developed, (ii) be oriented to the service of the
residents of the neighborhood and not designed as a regional attraction which would
create inordinate traffic volumes on streets including the perimeter streets, (iii) has a
scale and presence compatible with surrounding land uses, and (iv) is generally
supported by the majority of the residents living in the impacted area.

4. Ordinances, Studies and Planning Process. Participate as a neighborhood
representative on boards, committees, task force and similar groups designed to involve
neighborhood leaders in creating, reviewing and revising ordinances, plans, procedures,
processes, studies, laws, rules and regulations that affect the Association and lands and
properties within the boundaries of the Association.

West Valley Neighborhood Association Boundaries
Neighborhood boundaries are as follows:
West Boundary: Cloverdale Road
East Boundary: Maple Grove Road
North Boundary: Chinden Blvd.
South Boundary: Fairview Avenue